Hurricane Ian’s Effect

Hurricane Ian Will Make Impact Today

Hurricane Ian is approaching Florida quickly. It appears to have the looks of a potential major hurricane, which will have major Impacts. Florida has been evacuating cities and towns for a few days now, including Tampa. Authorities want to make sure that everyone is safe and has time to get out in opposition to gridlock and panic right before the hurricane hits.


Not everyone will leave or be able to leave. Some will be forced to stay near the Hurricane and take the brunt of it. Emergency l supplies from FEMA and American Red Cross are already on their way. Trucks and drivers are already transporting equipment and supplies down to the staging areas.  They and multiple other departments in the US Government will be ready to help however people will need it when and after the storm hits. Truck drivers will be especially important after the hit of the storm. They can bring down supplies to help with flooding, bring food, water, clothes, and even mobile housing to help aid people that were affected.


For the time being, most business in Florida will slow and halt. The majority of the loads going through will likely be related to storm relief. PFL Logistics is a proud to work with agencies assisting in those efforts. PFL has been involved with many hurricane relief efforts over the past 5 years and is proud to be able to help in any way that we can to help prepare. More truckers than you could count will be making the risky trip down to Florida this week, so send a silent thank you to them when you have a chance. 

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